What We Treat

Common musculoskeletal injuries we treat at Chatswood Physiotherapy Centre include:-

Back Pain Treatment

Researches have shown that 80% of people will have back pain. Back pain, in particular low back pain, is one of the most common conditions that require physiotherapy treatments. It is often mechanical in nature and can be caused by some movements or posture such as lifting, gardening or prolonged sitting or standing. Common back injuries include disc injuries, ligament/facet joint injuries and degenerative changes. Physiotherapy can help to reduce your pain and stiffness and get you moving again.

Neck pain and Headaches

Neck pain is also one of the commonest conditions that require physiotherapy treatments. Neck pain generally arises from cervical spine (neck region). It can also come from and refer to head, shoulder, jaws and upper back regions. Headaches are pain in the head, in or around the eyes or ears and behind the back of the head. There are many different types and causes of headaches. At Chatswood Physiotherapy Centre we treat headaches caused by neck stiffness, tension, bulging or protruding disc and poor posture.

Sprains and strains

The symptoms of a sprain or strain may include:- pain, swelling, stiffness, reduced efficiency of function. At Chatswood Physiotherapy Centre we use manual techniques and electrotherapy to promote healing, strength and flexibility.

Sports injuries

Chatswood Physiotherapy Centre uses techniques such as join mobilisation, massage, muscle stretching, taping, dry needling (Western Acupuncture) and exercises to treat various sports injuries.

Shoulder Pain

Knee Pain

Neurological conditions

Stroke, brain and spinal cord injury for example.

Respiratory conditions

Including pneumonia and asthma.

Work related injuries

Rehabilitation following surgery

Motor vehicle injuries

Fracture casting, bracing and splinting